NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT)

Friends and Family Test results

Below are our Friends and Family Test (FFT) results from previous months.

Responses July June May
1 Very good 127 114 115
2 Good 14 17 6
3 Neither good nor poor 4 4 1
4 Poor 0 1 2
5 Very poor 0 1 1
6 Don’t know 2 1 0
Summary Scores      
Positive 96% 95% 97%
Negative 0% 1% 2%
Neutral  4% 4% 1%

Actions resulting from FFT feedback

Here are some of things we have changed about the surgery as a result of feedback received via the FFT survey.

  • We have changed our telephone system to allow more incoming phone lines into the surgery
  • We ensure that any feedback is discussed with all staff at regular practice meetings, and any learning outcomes are implemented.